Sunday, May 4, 2008

Weekend results...

So, to sum up an eventful weekend:

Cory placed 5th in the league finals for the JV 1600 meter run!! A great accomplishment for him, and I'm a proud ma! And he's very happy to be finished with the SAT.

Wes's water polo team placed 4th at the San Diego Cup!!! A very respectable finish, even though they hoped for that bronze medal at the end of the day.

The relaxing peace and quiet that I looked forward to didn't really materialize, since four or five of Cory's friends came over for a video gaming marathon. It was kind of fun watching them play "Rock Band," though.

I have actually spent most of the last two days dealing with a malfunctioning laptop. For some reason, the wireless adaptor device stopped working. I reinstalled the factory driver. Didn't work. I downloaded the driver from HP and installed that. Didn't work. Tried restoring to an earlier restore point. Didn't work. I ran updates, scans, defragged, checked disks. Nothing made it work! I ended up taking it to the Geek Squad. First they ran a scan and found an AdWare infection and a bunch of tracking cookies! What's up with that? Why does Norton not catch this stuff?

So Geek Squad said that the problem won't be covered by my warranty as long as there's any kind of infection on my machine. Can you believe they wanted $199 to remove the AdWare and cookies??? So I downloaded AdWatch and removed the bad stuff myself. So guess what? My wireless adaptor device still doesn't work. Sigh.

I guess it's back to the Geek Squad tomorrow. Of course they'll take away the computer for two to three weeks. Aughhhh!!! Torture!!

1 comment:

coachtreki said...

I hate this side of the technology in our lives. I love the conduit technology provides for things like blogs and email. When I run a scan, it usually finds "low threat" tracking cookies. I just delete them but they aren't really viruses are they? Well you've motivated me to run a scan now.